MATH 391 Section PW2: Mathematics of Quantum Computing
Spring 2024 Pre-Session Course
Dr. Tefjol Pllaha will be teaching MATH 391 Section PW2: Mathematics of Quantum Computing during the Spring 2024 Pre-Session. This 2 credit hour course will count has an Advanced Math course for the Math major or minor.
Quantum computing provides a fundamentally new approach to computation and a quantum future is closer than ever. This course will show students the mathematical methods needed to understand and apply quantum computing.
We will analyze popular quantum protocols such as teleportation, super-dense coding, and Shor’s prime factorization algorithm.
Theoretical notions will be tested with qiskit - an open source python based software for working with quantum computers. Students interested in programming will have the option to dive deeper with the IBM Quantum Lab.
Class Time: 9:30 – 11:30 AM
Jan 02 – Jan 19, Web Conferencing
Please contact Dr. Pllaha at tefjol.pllaha@unl.edu if you have questions!