Computational and Applied Mathematics at Southern Methodist University
The graduate program in Computational and Applied Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics at Southern Methodist University is seeking applications for Fall 2024.
Our program has strengths in partial differential equations, dynamical and stochastic systems, inverse problems, machine learning, numerical analysis and scientific computing. Faculty specialize in a wide range of application areas including mathematical biology, neuroscience, fluid mechanics, electromagnetics, geosciences, nonlinear optics and photonics, and sustain active collaborations with leaders in industry and academia. Through SMU's Center for Research Computing (CRC), our students have access to one petaflop of computing power through the ManeFrame Ill cluster as well as a OGX SuperPOD, only the second to be deployed at a US university. All Ph.D. students are admitted with a financial aid package that includes a minimum $22,000 academic year stipend, health insurance and tuition remission. In addition, for Fall 2024 we anticipate the following funding opportunities:
• The NSF Research Training Group (RTG) program advances mathematics through vertically-integrated groups combining faculty, postdoctoral fellows and PhD students. Our group, SMU-RTG, focuses on nonlinear optics, computational and data enabled neuroscience, and micro-and nanofluidics. PhD fellowships are available to U.S. Citizens and permanent residents and provide at least $30,000/year for up to three years. We hope to welcome up to 2 new RTG fellows in Fall 2024.
• Haberman Continuing Fellowships provide $5000/year as a supplement to other funding, for up to 5 years. We will offer up to one fellowship in Fall 2024.
• SMU's Moody School offers $30,000/year Moody and Mustang Fellowships, which we will put our applicants up for, and top-up University Fellowships which can be up to $10,000 /yr. Although competitive, we have a good track record of obtaining these fellowships for our students.
We encourage our students to do internships, and our faculty members maintain pipelines with several national laboratories. The workload of our TAs is limited to 10-12 hours/week, which is relatively low compared to most programs and allows our students to spend more time on their classes and research. As a result, an overwhelming majority of our students finish within 5 years; our recent students have found employment as postdocs, at national labs, or as researchers in industry.
To learn more, we invite you and any interested students to join us for a Fall Department Showcase of our Ph.D. program. This event will feature an overview of the program including funding opportunities, Q&A, short faculty research talks, and a mixer on Gather.
Date/Time: November 9, 2023, 2:30-5 pm CST
Location: On Zoom (Registration link)
We will begin reviewing applications on January 15, 2024, but will continue to review applications so long as positions remain.