Math Day Volunteers

Math Day Volunteers
Math Day Volunteers

Math Day Volunteers

Hello from the Math Day Organizing Committee! I hope you're all having a wonderful start to the semester.

Some of you might be aware that in previous years UNL has held Math Day in November. This academic year, Math Day is being held in February.

On February 20th, a bunch of high schools all around Nebraska will come to UNL to do a lot of math things, from participating in a quiz bowl, to solving puzzles, escape room-ing, and more. As an undergraduate student, you can help as quiz bowl timers, making sure the challenge puzzles or the escape room are fun and organized, or even help local businesses run a session about a cool math thing they're doing! It'll be a great experience to have as a Math person. The incentives:

• You get to help spread the good and/or cool parts of math to high schoolers!
• This experience can be informative for what you want to do in the future.
• A great talking point when it comes to interviews, outreach events are cool :D

Here is the sign up link:, and you can find instructions for completing the form here. The biggest thing to know is that after you log in, you have to click on Volunteer to start the application. Please sign up to volunteer as soon as possible, and the sign up form will be available until Monday, February 5th!

As a logistical heads up, Math Day is from 8 AM to 4 PM – a whole day event! But we won't ask you to work the whole day! It is held in the Union building on campus, so hopefully you can find an hour or two to spare on a Tuesday in February to help out!

Thank you!

By the way, volunteering at Math Day and participating in other department events is a factor in Math Department scholarship decisions.