Advising Updates

UNL Mathematics
UNL Mathematics

Hello Math and Data Science Majors,

I hope you are doing well during this final regular week of the Spring 2024 semester. This week, I want to discuss some of the courses planned for the Summer 2024 and Fall 2024 semesters that could be important for your future coursework and Math or Data Science major requirements. I realize that this is a bit late, but I wanted to make sure that you know about these specific courses.

For Math Majors on any option:
- MATH 208H: Honors Calculus III - The Honors section is open to interested students who have completed MATH 107: Calculus II with a good grade (B+ or higher). The Honors section will be a small lecture section with 4 meetings per week with the course instructor.
- MATH 221H: Honors Differential Equations - The Honors section is open to interested students who have completed MATH 107: Calculus II with a good grade (B+ or higher). The Honors section will be a small lecture section with 3 meetings per week with the course instructor.
- MATH 314: Linear Algebra Section 700 - This is a fully online (online, asynchronous) section of Linear Algebra for the Fall 2024 semester. This will be the first time that we have taught a fully online section of Linear Algebra.
- MATH 325: Elementary Analysis - Even though the undergraduate catalog has not been updated yet, students now need to complete MATH 309 or MATH 310 with a C, Pass, or better grade before starting MATH 325.

For Math Majors on the Discrete Mathematics and Cryptography option:
- MATH 417: Group Theory - ACE 10 Course; Only taught in Fall semesters; one of the group of five Math courses for the option
- MATH 452: Graph Theory - Only taught every other Fall semester; one of the group of five Math courses for the option
- CSCE 155A: Computer Science I - Summer 2024 and Fall 2024; teaches Python and is geared toward Computer Science majors
- CSCE 155T: Computer Science I: Informatics Focus - Only taught in Fall semesters; teaches Python and is geared toward Data Science majors and Informatics minors
- CSCE 156: Computer Science II - Summer 2024 and Fall 2024; useful if you want a heavier coding option; fulfills requirements for a Computer Science major or minor
- CSCE 310: Data Structures and Algorithms - Summer 2024 and Fall 2024; can be taken instead of CSCE 311 for the option; taken after completing CSCE 156 and CSCE 235, MATH 309, or MATH 310
- CSCE 423: Design and Analysis of Algorithms - Summer 2024 and Fall 2024; one of the group of five Computer Science courses for the option
- CSCE 428: Automata, Computation, and Formal Languages - one of the group of five Computer Science courses for the option
- CSCE/MATH 440: Numerical Analysis I - Only taught in Fall semesters starting with Fall 2024; overlaps between the Advanced Math requirement and the Computer Science major or minor
- CSCE 477: Cryptography and Computer Security - Only taught in Fall semesters; one of the group of five Computer Science courses for the option

For Math Majors on the Education option:
- MATH 408: Mathematics for High School Teaching II - Only taught in Fall semesters; specifically required for the option, but only an elective course for any other Math major option (i.e., it doesn't fulfill the requirements for other Math major options)
- MATH 412: Modern Geometry - Only taught in Fall semesters; specifically required for the option
- MATH 460: History of Mathematics - Only taught in Fall semesters; specifically required for the option for catalog year's 2022-23 and older

For Math Majors on the Mathematical Biology option:
- BIOS 337: Applications of Bioinformatics - one of the course options after finishing the BIOS 206: General Genetics course
- BIOS 426: Systems Biology - one of the course options after finishing the BIOS 206: General Genetics course
- BIOS 452: Field Epidemiology - SUMMER 2024 only at Cedar Point Biological Station; one of the course options after finishing the BIOS 207: Ecology and Evolution course
- BIOS 453: Predator Ecology - SUMMER 2024 only at Cedar Point Biological Station; one of the course options after finishing the BIOS 207: Ecology and Evolution course

For Math Majors on the Mathematical Finance option:
- ACTS 440: Interest Theory - now 3 credit hours instead of 4 credit hours; prerequisite to take FINA 367
- FINA 367: Fixed Income Investments - prerequisite to take FINA 467, and FINA 467 is currently only offered in Spring semesters
- STAT 462: Introduction to Mathematical Statistics I: Distribution Theory - Only taught during Fall semesters; course option instead of MATH 487, and MATH 487 is not being taught in the Fall 2024 semester; required for a Statistics minor and a prerequisite for STAT 463

For Math Majors on the Mathematics of Physical Phenomena option:
- MATH 424: Introduction to Partial Differential Equations - covers Mathematics important to many areas of physical phenomena and engineering
- MATH 435: Math in the City - ACE 10 Course; only ACE 10 Math course option that can be taken after just MATH 221/221H and MATH 314/314H
- ECEN 408: Engineering Electromagnetics - taken after finishing ECEN 306: Electromagnetic Field Theory; one of the Electrical Engineering course options
- ECEN 421: Principles of Semiconductor Materials and Devices I - taken after finishing PHYS 213: General Physics III; one of the Electrical Engineering course options
- ECEN 462: Communication Systems - taken after finishing ECEN 304: Signals and Systems I and ECEN 305: Probability Theory and Statistics for Electrical and Computer Engineers (or maybe STAT 380: Statistics and Applications); one of the Electrical Engineering course options
- ECEN 463: Digital Signal Processing - taken after finishing ECEN 304: Signals and Systems I; one of the Electrical Engineering course options
- GEOL 372: Water & Earth Connections - Only taught roughly every other Fall semester; taken after GEOL 101, GEOL 106, or METR 100 and MATH 106; one of the required Geology courses
- MECH 223: Statistics - Required for any of the Mechanical Engineering options
- MECH 325: Mechanics of Elastic Bodies - Required for only one of the Mechanical Engineering options
- MECH 350: Introduction to Dynamics and Control of Engineering Systems - Available in Fall 2024 to finish a Mechanical Engineering option; taken after CSCE 155N, ECEN 211, MATH 314/314H, and MECH 373
- MECH 373: Dynamics - Required for all but one of the Mechanical Engineering options
- MECH 310: Fluid Mechanics - Available in Fall 2024 to finish a Mechanical Engineering option
- METR 205: Introduction to Atmospheric Science - Only taught during Fall semesters; required for the Meteorology course options; taken after METR 100 and METR 153 (or CSCE 155N)
- METR 311: Dynamic Meteorology I - Only taught during Fall semesters; required for the Meteorology course options; taken after METR 100, METR 153 (or CSCE 155N), METR 205, and METR 223
- METR 323: Physical Meteorology - Only taught during Fall semesters; required for the Meteorology course options; taken after METR 100, METR 153 (or CSCE 155N), METR 205, and METR 223
- PHYS 311: Mechanics - Only taught during Fall semesters; available to finish one of the Physics course options; can be taken after PHYS 212 and MATH 221/221H, but typically taken after PHYS 213 and MATH 221/221H
- PHYS 431: Thermal Physics - Only taught during Fall semesters; available to finish one of the Physics course options; taken after PHYS 213 and MATH 221/221H

For Math Majors on the Mathematics of Physical Phenomena option:
- CSCE 155A: Computer Science I - Summer 2024 and Fall 2024; teaches Python and is geared toward Computer Science majors
- CSCE 155T: Computer Science I: Informatics Focus - Only taught in Fall semesters; teaches Python and is geared toward Data Science majors and Informatics minors
- CSCE 156: Computer Science II - Summer 2024 and Fall 2024; useful if you want a heavier coding option; fulfills requirements for a Computer Science major or minor
- CSCE 310: Data Structures and Algorithms - Summer 2024 and Fall 2024; can be taken instead of CSCE 311 for the option; taken after completing CSCE 156 and CSCE 235, MATH 309, or MATH 310
- CSCE 411: Data Modeling for Systems Development - Set 2 Course; Only taught during Fall semesters; taken after CSCE 310 or 311
- CSCE 413: Database Systems - Set 2 Course; Only taught during Fall semesters; taken after CSCE 310 or 311
- CSCE/MATH 440: Numerical Analysis I - Only taught during Fall semesters starting with the Fall 2024 semester; one of the group of five Math courses for the option; overlaps between the Advanced Math requirement and the Computer Science major or minor
- CSCE 473: Computer Vision - Set 2 Course; Only taught roughly every other Fall semester; taken after CSCE 156, CSCE 310, or CSCE 311
- CSCE 476: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Set 1 Course; Only taught during Fall semesters; taken after CSCE 310 or 311
- CSCE 478 - Introduction to Machine Learning - Set 1 Course; SUMMER 2024 only as far as I know; taken after CSCE 310 or 311
- CSCE 479: Introduction to Deep Learning - Set 1 Course; Summer 2024 and Fall 2024 only as far as I know; taken after CSCE 310 or 311
- MATH 489: Stochastic Processes - ACE 10 Course; only taught after every other Fall semester; one of the group of five Math courses for the option
- STAT 414: Introduction to Survey Sampling - Hasn't been taught for many years; one of the Fall 2024 semester options for a 300- or 400-level Statistics course; can be taken after STAT 380 or STAT 318
- STAT 430: Sensory Evaluation - Only taught every other Fall semester; one of the Fall 2024 semester options for a 300- or 400-level Statistics course; can be taken after an introductory Statistics, but mostly taken by Food Science and Technology majors
- STAT 462: Introduction to Mathematical Statistics I: Distribution Theory - Only taught during Fall semesters; one of the Fall 2024 semester options for a 300- or 400-level Statistics course; required for a Statistics minor and a prerequisite for STAT 463

Data Science Core Major Courses Being Taught:
- CSCE 155A: Computer Science I - Summer 2024 and Fall 2024; teaches Python and is geared toward Computer Science majors
- CSCE 155T: Computer Science I: Informatics Focus - Only taught in Fall semesters; teaches Python and is geared toward Data Science majors and Informatics minors
- CSCE 156: Computer Science II - Summer 2024 and Fall 2024; useful if you want a heavier coding option, but requires that you take MATH 106; fulfills requirements for a Computer Science major or minor
- CSCE 235: Introduction to Discrete Structures - Summer 2024 and Fall 2024; useful if you want a heavier coding option, but requires that you take MATH 106; fulfills requirements for a Computer Science major or minor
- CSCE 310: Data Structures and Algorithms - Summer 2024 and Fall 2024; can be taken instead of CSCE 311 for the option; taken after completing CSCE 156 and CSCE 235
- CSCE 320: Data Analysis - Only taught during Fall semesters; can be taken after CSCE 155A, 155E, 155H, 155N, or 155T even though the list prerequisites are CSCE 120 or 220
- MATH 104 and 203 OR MATH 106 and 107 - Summer 2024 and Fall 2024
- MATH 314 - Summer 2024 and Fall 2024; only after MATH 107
- MATH 315: Linear Algebra for Data Science - Being taught for the first time in Fall 2024; can be taken after MATH 104 or MATH 106 rather than the listed prerequisite for MATH 104 or MATH 107/107H
- STAT 101 - Only taught during Fall semesters; useful if you are planning to take STAT 101 and STAT 102 for your core Statistics courses
- STAT 218 or 380 - Summer 2024 and Fall 2024; useful if you are planning to take STAT 218 or 380 and STAT 318 for your core Statistics courses
- MATH 435 - ACE 10 Course; will have Data Science majors enrolled for the first time this fall; might need a permission depending on your previous Math and Statistics courses

Data Science Focus Area Courses Being Taught:
Applied Computing: Journalism & Humanities - ADPR 358 and SPMC 350 (both Fall 2024)
Applied Computing: Natural Resources - AECN 436, NRES 218, NRES 415, NRES 418, PLAS 420, and PLAS 431 (all Fall 2024)
Applied Computing: Sociology - SOCI 333 and SOCI 362 (both Fall 2024)
Artificial Intelligence - CSCE 473 (Fall 2024), CSCE 476 (Fall 2024), CSCE 478 (Summer 2024 and Fall 2024), and CSCE 479 (Summer 2024 and Fall 2024)
Data Pipeline - CSCE 411, CSCE 413, CSCE 438, CSCE 458, and CSCE 465 (all Fall 2024)
Mathematical Modeling - MATH 208 (Summer 2024 and Fall 2024), MATH 221 (Summer 2024 and Fall 2024), MATH 424 (Fall 2024 Only), CSCE/MATH 440 (Fall 2024 Only), MATH 452 (Fall 2024 Only), and MATH 489 (Fall 2024 Only)
Software Development - CSCE 361, CSCE 378, CSCE 453H, CSCE 467, RAIK 403H, RAIK 405H, RAIK 406H, and RAIK 453H (all Fall 2024)
Statistical Modeling - STAT 212, STAT 301, STAT 325, STAT 414, and STAT 462 (all Fall 2024)

The Math Club held a course preview event where the MATH 412, MATH 417, MATH 424, MATH 435, MATH 452, MATH 460, and MATH 489 courses were previewed, and you can watch a recording of the event here. I would highly recommend researching all of the above courses on the Undergraduate Catalog at if you would like to know more about them. I would also be happy to discuss them with you during an appointment or drop-in meeting.

Open Registration for the Summer 2024 and Fall 2024 semesters is underway. During Open Registration, registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Any student who is eligible to enroll may access MyRED to enroll. Nebraska Now and unclassified students (e.g., students-at-large and visiting students) will be able to register now.

Any holds on your MyRed record that impact your eligibility to enroll in classes will continue to impact your ability to use open registration. This includes holds related to required advising for first year students in their first or second semester, to required advising for students who will be starting their final year of their degree (based solely on credit hours completed), and to required advising for being on Academic Warning. I can help with lifting holds related to required advising, but you will likely need to discuss the hold during a scheduled meeting rather than a drop-in meeting or just stopping by my office. I would encourage you to contact the office on campus related to any other holds, and I would be happy to direct you if there is any confusion.

Now is the time to enroll in your schedule of classes for the Summer 2024 and Fall 2024 semesters if you haven't already done so.

Newsletter Feedback
If you ever have questions or feedback about anything in the weekly newsletter, please let me know by shooting me an email. Sometimes, it is difficult for me to know if these emails are actually being read and/or found useful.

Best wishes, Doug

Spring 2024 Advising Schedule
I will taking in-person, Zoom, and phone meetings in 45-minute blocks from 8:30 am to 12:15 pm and 1:15 pm to 5:00 pm every weekday when I am not taking Zoom drop-in advising meetings. I will also be taking Zoom drop-in advising meetings on Wednesdays at 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm and Fridays at 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. Zoom drop-in meetings are being coordinated by the College of Arts and Sciences with a schedule and a link to the Zoom room available at

You can schedule a meeting with me by using the Student Success Hub via this link, by calling the College of Arts and Sciences Academic and Career Advising Center at 402-472-4190, by calling me at 402-472-4319, or by emailing me at You can find instructions for how to access and schedule meetings in the Student Success Hub system here.

Math Department Events
The Math Department has many upcoming events that might be of interest to you along with a weekly (or almost weekly) colloquium series. A listing of all upcoming Math Department events can be found at

CAS Student Spotlight
Do you want to be featured by the college? Share your story by filling out this quick web form and show others why Mathematics is for you. Showcase all the opportunities and experiences you are gaining with your Mathematics major.