UC Davis Math/Applied Math PhD Program Virtual Information Sessions
The University of California Davis Department of Mathematics will host virtual information sessions about their PhD programs in Math and Applied Math on November 21st and 22nd at 4 pm CST.
Graduate Program in Mathematics
- Information about the Ph.D. program in Mathematics can be found at https://www.math.ucdavis.edu/grad/gpc.
- The information session will be on Thursday, November 21st at 4 pm CST.
- Click here to register for the information session!
Graduate Program in Applied Mathematics
- Information about the Ph.D. program in Applied Mathematics can be found at https://appliedmath.ucdavis.edu/graduate.
- The information session will be on Friday, November 22nd at 4 pm CST.
- Click here to register for the information session!
Even if you’re unable to attend, be sure to register your interest so they can share future information with you!
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact them at gradadvisor@math.ucdavis.edu.