Math Research Opportunities
With the upcoming deadline to apply for UCARE on February 12th, now is a great time to look at possible research projects with Math faculty during Summer 2025 and the 2025-26 academic year. We have recently updated the Math Club Research and Internship Opportunities webpage at https://math.unl.edu/math-club-research-and-internship-opportunities/.
Where to begin?
There are numerous research and internship options available in addition to other avenues for gaining experience inside and outside the classroom. Among the more popular programs is the network of Research Experience for Undergraduates (REUs) sites hosted by universities across the U.S. Typically each site supports 4 – 8 students who visit it during summer and work there with a mentor on a research project. An REU lasts about 8 weeks. Travel, room and board are covered and you get paid $2000 – $6000. Most deadlines are in February.
Department Research Opportunities
Interested in doing research with a local Math faculty member? You should start by reviewing the research areas of the Math Department and faculty involved in those areas, and you can find that information here. You do not have to wait until a faculty member has a position available, and you are encouraged to discuss Math research with any faculty member. Many research projects will require the completion of MATH 309, MATH 310, or MATH 325 with an excellent grade.
You will find some current projects that faculty members have proposed at https://math.unl.edu/math-club-research-and-internship-opportunities/. If you are interested in one of these, you are encouraged to first contact Alex Zupan, the math department's undergraduate chair, to set up a meeting to discuss possible projects.