3rd International Mathematics and Statistics Student Research Symposium (IMSSRS)

3rd International Mathematics and Statistics Student Research Symposium (IMSSRS)
3rd International Mathematics and Statistics Student Research Symposium (IMSSRS)

3rd International Mathematics and Statistics Student Research Symposium (IMSSRS)

Please join us virtually on Saturday, April 12, 2025, for the 3rd International Mathematics and Statistics Student Research Symposium (IMSSRS). This free event welcomes ALL mathematical sciences students from high school, community college, undergraduate, and graduate levels to showcase their research, explore current research topics, and connect with fellow mathematical sciences enthusiasts.

This year’s program highlights a keynote address by Dr. Susan Goldstine (St. Mary’s College of Maryland) on "The Long and Winding Road to Non-Euclidean Geometry" and a panel discussion, "Life After College," exploring diverse career paths for mathematics and statistics majors, with opportunities for audience Q&A. While presenters must be students, all are welcome to attend.

Abstract submission and registration deadlines are both March 28.

For more information, please visit our website: https://sites.google.com/view/imssrs/home.