Advising Updates

Mr. Pellatz (actually appearance may vary)
Mr. Pellatz (actually appearance may vary)

Hello Math Majors,

I hope this message finds you having settled into the Spring 2019 semester with all of the courses going well. I also hope that you were able to enjoy your day off from classes yesterday.

Graduating Seniors - Please make sure that you complete the Application for Graduation by the end of the day on Friday, January 25 if you want to graduate in May. More information about the Application for Graduation can be found here. This year's May graduation ceremony will be a little bit different from past years, and it will also different from the previous December and August graduation ceremonies. On May 4, 2019, undergraduate commencement will, for the first time, be divided into a morning and an afternoon ceremony. This plan divides equally the overall number of expected graduates into each of the two ceremonies, and shortens the length of the individual ceremonies considerably.

The morning ceremony will begin at 9:00am (doors open to the public at 7:30am; graduates should arrive between 7:30 and 8:30) and will include these colleges:
•Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources
•Fine & Performing Arts
•Journalism & Mass Communications
•Public Affairs

The afternoon ceremony will begin at 3:00pm (doors open to the public at 1:30pm; graduates should arrive between 1:30 and 2:30) and will include these colleges:
•Arts and Sciences
•Education & Human Sciences

As a Math major in the College of Arts and Sciences, you will be a part of the afternoon graduation ceremony with the other graduates of the College of Arts and Sciences. These changes only apply to the MAY ceremony. The December and August ceremonies will be conducted the same as they have been in the past. If you have any questions about the upcoming graduation ceremony, please contact Graduation Services at 402-472-3636 or

Probation Students - I have been notified that at the conclusion of your last semester, a few Math majors were placed on Academic Probation. I understand that the difficulties you faced last semester may have been isolated or a result of on-going challenges. In either case, I am here to help. If you haven't done so already, please complete the To-Do Items that are in your Message Center on MyRed. After you completed Probation Recovery Steps 1 and 2, some of you, particularly those on Probation Level 1B and Probation Level 2, will need to meet with an Academic Recovery Guide to complete the Academic Probation Recovery Program and have your hold lifted on Summer/Fall 2019 registration. For Math majors, I am one of your options as an Academic Recovery Guide, and I would be happy to meet with you to discuss an Academic Recovery Plan if one is required. If you have questions about your status or next steps, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Everyone - The last weeks of January and the month of February are an excellent time to begin thinking about your upcoming course plans and any experiential learning experiences that you would like to participate in. Please come see Dr. Radu or myself for a meeting about your future plans.


Doug's Advising Hours for the Spring 2019 Semester
Appointments every week day from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Walk-ins only from 1:00-3:30 pm on Thursdays.

You can schedule an appointment with Doug by using the MyPlan system via Canvas or My.UNL (click here for instructions), by calling me at 402-472-4319, or by emailing me at

Dr. Radu's Advising Hours for the Spring 2019 Semester
Mondays 10:30 am to 12:00 noon in 211 Avery Hall

You can also schedule an appointment with Dr. Radu by emailing her at