Advising Updates
Updates and information about Priority Registration Advising Hours from your assigned advisor for Mathematics, Doug Pellatz. Continue reading…
Updates and information about Priority Registration Advising Hours from your assigned advisor for Mathematics, Doug Pellatz. Continue reading…
The Course Preview for Fall 2019 is this Thursday, March 28 from 5 to 6 pm in 351 Avery Hall, and the 1st UNL Undergraduate Math Day is on Saturday, March 30 from 1 to 5 pm in 106 Avery Hall. These will be interesting events that you don't want to miss. Continue reading…
Dr. Kyungyong Lee has posted the second Math Challenge problem of this year at
The best solution(s) for this problem, submitted in 203 Avery by 4:30 pm on Friday, March 29th, will receive a gift card to Dunkin Donuts in Love Library.
Continue reading…
Monday, March 25 - Tuesday, April 9: Priority Registration for Fall Semester 2019
Friday, April 5: Last day to withdraw from a course during the Spring 2019 semester
Click here for a list of selected upcoming events like two Math Club events, two Math seminars, two BIG Career Services events, a couple of Academic Success Workshops, an astronomy open house, a PREVENT march, and several other events that might be of interest. Continue reading…
The new Husker Hub is your one stop shop for assistance with being a Husker. Now open in 130 Pound Hall (the old CBA building), Husker Hub is available to answer your questions about registration, scholarships and financial aid, and student accounts. Continue reading…
The Office of the University Registrar has implemented a new Enrollment Scheduler for students on MyRED. In the new Enrollment Scheduler, you will select courses and enter break times to automatically generate optimized schedules that balance learning with other life activities. Continue reading…
University Career Services has two big events coming up soon. Meet the Nonprofits will be on Tuesday, April 2 from 1-2:30 pm in the NE Union Ballroom, Husker Suit-Up will be on Sunday, April 7 from 6:30-9:30 pm at JCPenney @ Gateway Mall. Both events are not to be missed! Continue reading…
The UNL McNair Scholars Program prepares selected undergraduates for graduate study by providing opportunities to define goals, engage in research, and develop the skills and student/faculty mentor relationships critical to success at the doctoral level. The application deadline is April 1, 2019. Continue reading…
Career Services is hosting a Preparing for the US Job Search event on Wednesday, April 3rd from 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. in the Heritage Room located at the Nebraska Union. This event will give international students an overview of how to seek opportunities in the United States. Continue reading…
Be a part of the growing number of UNL students who have won this Nationally Competitive Scholarship to go abroad after graduation! There two upcoming information sessions about the Fulbright program: April 3 and April 9 from 3:30-4:30 pm at the City Campus Union Colonial B. Continue reading…
The Office of Academic Success & Intercultural Services (OASIS) is looking for learning consultants to staff their Study Studio for the 2019-20 academic year. Students with a strong proficiency in math and science will be in high demand! Continue reading…
Still looking for an ACE 7 course and haven't found anything of interest? Like Sci-Fi films and what to explore their themes further? ENGL 439 might be the perfect class for you this summer from May 20 to June 7. Continue reading…
Lincoln Parks and Recreation has a wide variety of positions available within their department for the summer. Altogether, they have a few hundred positions available and very few applicants so far. These jobs are an excellent opportunity to so your work ethic on a research for an internship! Continue reading…
Men @ Nebraska invites you to the 2019 Men and Masculinities conference at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln on Monday, April 1, 2019 from 8:30am-5pm at the Nebraska City Campus Union. The theme for this year is "Reimaging Masculinity". Continue reading…
Michael Bérubé, Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of Literature at Penn State, will be giving the lecture "Talking Out of School: Academic Freedom and Extramural Speech" on March 29, 2019 in the Nebraska Union Auditorium. The event is free and open to the public and will be followed by a Q&A session. Continue reading…
Click here for job and internship openings that would be available for Mathematics majors. Continue reading…
If you have questions, concerns, or just want to talk about your next steps as a student, your Math faculty advisor, Dr. Petronela Radu (211 Avery Hall,, and your Math assigned advisor, Doug Pellatz (209 Avery Hall,, are here to help.
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