Meteorology-Climatology Annual Majors Meeting

UNL Meteorology-Climatology
UNL Meteorology-Climatology

Meteorology-Climatology Annual Majors Meeting

On Wednesday, October 7th from 5 - 6 pm, we are having our Annual Majors Meeting. Like everything else, it will look a little different this year. This year, it will be the METR-CLIM faculty and students only. This will give you a chance to meet the faculty and other students in the METR-CLIM program, and to ask any questions you might have.

We’ll start out with brief introductions from the faculty and then you’ll have a chance to visit four different break-out rooms based on your interests:

• Advising/Career Planning

• Graduate School

• Getting Involved

• Undergraduate Research, Internships, and Scholarships

Please plan to attend via Zoom using this link: