METR 479: Hydroclimatology

METR 479
METR 479

METR 479: Hydroclimatology

During the Spring 2021 semester, Dr. Francisco Munoz-Arriola will be teaching METR 479: Hydroclimatology. METR 479 is an excellent 400-level Meteorology course for student interested in the hydrological cycle and how it interacts with climate. The course will be taught in the web conferencing format on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30 to 4:45 pm. The prerequisite is METR 100, but METR 270 or METR 370 would be helpful.

Course Description
Interaction between earth's climate and the hydrologic cycle. Energy and water fluxes at the land-atmosphere interface. Atmospheric moisture transport, precipitation, evaporation, snowmelt, and runoff. Impacts of climate variability and change on the hydrologic cycle.

Learning Outcomes
» Understand the climate and water systems’ spatial and temporal scales of variation
» Apply with climate and water data and analytics
» Familiarize with the conceptualization of earth system modeling
» Work with land surface hydrologic modeling
» Learn how climate influences the current paradigm of infrastructure’s management
» Create conceptual frameworks and applications to (re)design climate-resilient infrastructure.