Career Fair From Home Prep Event
Tuesday, February 9th, 10-11:30 am, CST (repeat event Wednesday, February 10th 10-11:30am CST)
The Career Fair From Home Prep Event is designed to help UNL students get ready to have the most successful virtual Career Fair experiences possible.
Attend sessions focused on:
o Technical Steps, How-To’s, and Troubleshooting
o Setting Up Yourself and Your Space for Success in a Virtual Fair
o Preparing for a 1:1 session vs. a 30 minute group information session
o Finding Employers of Interest and Deciding the Days to Attend
Zoom links and additional information here: https://careers.unl.edu/career-fair-from-home/
Career Fair Preparation Materials via Canvas
Can’t attend the Career Fair From Home Prep Event or still have questions on how to prepare? View the open Canvas site for more information on how to navigate Handshake, set up your schedule to connect with employers/companies, preparing an elevator pitch/introduction, technology issues, etc.
Link to Canvas site: https://canvas.unl.edu/courses/97750