Energy Sciences Research Summer Internship for Undergraduates
The Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research has extended the deadline to apply for their Energy Sciences Research Summer Internship for Undergraduates to Sunday, February 28.
Undergraduate Summer Internship. The Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research (NCESR) is taking applications for the Energy Sciences Research – Summer Internship for Undergraduates. It is made possible through NCESR with support from the Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD), which provides electricity service in all or parts of 91 of Nebraska’s 93 counties.
Eligibility. To be eligible to apply, the undergraduate student must:
1. Be pursuing any major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL).
2. Be in academic good standing as defined in the Academic Services Handbook 1 .
3. Be between the sophomore/junior year or the junior/senior year, which is determined by the total semester hours successfully completed as detailed in the Academic Service Handbook. Seniors are not eligible.
4. Have a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 or above.
Funds. Information about the funds is as follows:
1. The maximum amount is up to or equal to the maximum of five thousand dollars ($5,000). The actual personnel costs and the actual cost of printing the research poster for the summer poster event are the only eligible costs. All other costs, such as office and laboratory supplies, are the responsibility of the sponsoring faculty member. All living costs, such as lodging, food and transportation, are the responsibility of the student.
2. The funding award will be issued to the sponsor faculty member in 2021. The faculty member and the faculty member’s home department will be responsible for all personnel actions and financial documentation.
3. Facilities & Administrative (F&A) costs are not applicable.
4. The funds will be authorized for direct costs incurred from May 10, 2021 – August 31, 2021.
5. NCESR will retain all unexpended funds.
6. All University rules and regulations will apply.
Deadline. The deadline to email the complete application has been extended to Sunday, February 28th.
Requirements. The applicant is responsible to complete items “1.” through “4.” as described under “Part III * Application Requirements” of the application form. All items with an asterisk are required for a valid application.
Submission. The undergraduate student is responsible to email one PDF — with the required items in the order described under “Part III * Applications Requirements of the application form — by the deadline to Lorraine Moon, NCESR Office Associate at lmoon1@unl.edu.
Selection. Each applicant and his/her sponsored faculty member will be notified no later than the end of April 2020 of the selection decisions. All decisions by the review committee are final.
Recipient “Meet and Greet”. The four recipients and their sponsoring faculty members will be invited to meet and talk about the internship at a meeting, which will be scheduled in either late May or early June 2021.
Summary of Experience. At the end of the internship, the student will be required to submit a summary to the sponsoring faculty member, which describes the experience and the accomplishments and/or results of the energy sciences research work experience, as well as a Thank you letter to NPPD/NCESR. The faculty sponsor will be responsible to submit the student’s summary along with a brief description of the experience from the faculty sponsor’s point of view. The due date for the faculty member to submit these summaries to NCESR is September 24, 2021.
Previous Recipients. To see information about the research projects of the recipients selected in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 click here: http://ncesr.unl.edu/?page_id=9451.
Questions. For questions, contact Lorraine Moon, NCESR Office Associate at lmoon1@unl.edu.