Hello Meteorology-Climatology Majors,
Welcome to the Spring 2022 semester! I hope this email newsletter finds you healthy and well rested after the break from classes. I know that the spring semester is starting with a COVID-19 situation that none of us would prefer, but as long as we all try to give each other space and grace, we should be able to get through it.
Right now, I am taking in-person, Zoom, and phone meetings in 30 minute blocks from 8:30 am to 12:00 noon and from 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm every weekday unless it is my drop-in advising hours. You can schedule a meeting with me by using the MyPlan system and clicking here (clicking here will open a file explaining the MyPlan appointment system), by calling the College of Arts and Sciences Academic and Career Advising Center at 402-472-4190, by calling me at 402-472-4319, or by emailing me at dpellatz@unl.edu. The easiest and fastest way to schedule a meeting is to use MyPlan or call the College Advising Center. My advising appointments will return to 45 minute blocks instead of 30 minute blocks on Wednesday, January 26.
I will be taking virtual only drop-in meetings on Tuesdays from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon and on Fridays from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Virtual only drop-in meetings will use the CAS Drop-In Advising Zoom Room at https://unl.zoom.us/my/casadvising, and these meetings will be on Zoom only. Please visit https://cas.unl.edu/drop-in-advising-schedule for more information about Drop-in Advising in the College of Arts and Sciences.
I can also answer questions via email, but my response times are going to be slower due to the amount of email and the amount of meetings I am having each day. Please try to be patient as we begin the Spring 2022 semester.
Good luck with this first week of classes!
Best wishes, Doug
CAS Student Spotlight
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