Hydrometeorologist / Hydroclimatologist Candidate Meetings

UNL Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
UNL Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Hydrometeorologist / Hydroclimatologist Candidate Meetings

The Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (EAS) is interviewing (via Zoom) 4 candidates for a hydrometeorologist/hydroclimatologist position, and we would highly value student input. You have 2 opportunities to provide input about each of the candidates (a survey will be distributed at a later time on which you can provide input):

-- There will be a dedicated time from 1-2 PM each day when EAS students will interact with the candidate. You need not stay the whole time, but please come if you can.

-- Each candidate will give a research presentation from 3:30-4:30 PM on the day of their interview.

Please participate in as many of these events as you can -- your input will be very valuable.

Candidate visit dates are:
2 February (Wednesday)
4 February (Friday)
7 February (Monday)
11 February (Friday)

All events can be accessed on Zoom at this link: https://unl.zoom.us/j/99994231048. It is set up with a waiting room.

Thank you for participating! Please let Dr. Van Den Broeke know if you have any questions (mvandenbroeke2@unl.edu).