Did you miss the all Meteorology-Climatology majors meeting on September 17th?
Then, you missed some good pizza and some great information! While we cannot replace attending the meeting, you can click here to view the meeting presentation slides.
Dr. Kopacz’s contact info: dawn.kopacz@unl.edu and 220C Bessey Hall
Doug's contact info: dpellatz@unl.edu and 209 Avery Hall
First year students are required to meet with Doug before they can enroll in classes for the Spring 2025 semester, and students about a year away from graduating (based on credit hours) are required to meet with Doug before they can enroll for the Spring 2025 semester.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Meteorology-Climatology professors about doing research even if you don't see yourself pursuing an advanced degree or a career in research!
Contact Dr. Van Den Broeke (mvandenbroeke2@unl.edu) if you are interested in enrolling in METR 495 to earn major and degree credit for completing an internship!
Graduate School
It is never too early to discuss graduate school with a Meteorology-Climatology professor or a CAS Career Coach! If you will be graduating in May, now is the time to start working on graduate school application materials if you have already started.
AMS Student Chapter
The first AMS Student Chapter, which functions as the Meteorology-Climatology Major Club, was Thursday, September 19th in 104 Bessey Hall. Be watching for information about future AMS Student Chapter meetings! Don't miss the AMS Student Chapter group study times on Sundays at 6:00 pm in 105 Bessey Hall!