Meteorology-Climatology Student Spotlight

Meteorology-Climatology Student Spotlight
Meteorology-Climatology Student Spotlight

Meteorology-Climatology Student Spotlight

Name: Dominic Ferraro
Major: Meteorology-Climatology
Year in School: Senior

Where are you from?

Lincoln, Nebraska

What gets you excited about Meteorology-Climatology?

Meteorology has an impact on everyone's daily lives. No matter the time of year, there is always something going on with the weather, and learning more about the processes behind the phenomenon that we see every day has been very interesting. My passion lies in the field of communicating this science to the people around me. Whether it is preparing for severe weather events, such as the Arbor Day Tornadoes, or answering the simple question of "why is it so hot outside today?" Having the knowledge to explain the weather scene to the general public plays a significant role in my excitement surrounding the field.

Favorite Meteorology-Climatology class or instructor so far? Why?

I really enjoyed Synoptic Meteorology (METR 341) because it is a class where you start to refine your forecasting skills and you see many real-world examples of the weather concepts you have learned so long about. Throughout the course, you establish a large range of useful data sources that will aid in your future forecasting efforts. In the lab for the course, you get weekly practice applying the concepts you learned about in class to what is happening in real-time throughout the global weather picture.

What are you excited about doing after graduation?

I am looking forward to entering a career in Broadcast Meteorology. This past summer I interned at KLKN, the ABC affiliate news station here in Lincoln. Through this internship, I got hands-on experience in the field through the technology and procedures often used in newsrooms across the country. I built strong connections with my mentors and most importantly, I solidified my passion for this particular branch of Meteorology. I am very excited to continue to serve the community around me through the communication of our science.

What is a goal you have accomplished as a Husker?

During my time as a Husker, I have gained invaluable experience through the partnership between the Meteorology department and the student-led newscast, Nebraska Nightly. This program allowed me to go into my internship this summer with just over a year's worth of on-air time through weekly newscast experience. We bring in news professionals from the local area who coach us on our on-air performance. We also submit our newscasts for national student news competitions, and I have also received valuable feedback from the judge's comments. I can safely say that by the end of my undergraduate experience, I will have accomplished my goal of being prepared for a career in Broadcast Meteorology through my academic work and involvement in Nebraska Nightly. If anyone is interested in shadowing for a show or getting green screen experience, you can reach me by email at

What do you wish you would have known when you started as a Meteorology-Climatology Major that you know now?

Be prepared to be challenged with this major, but do not be afraid of that challenge. The advanced math and physics concepts present especially in upper-level meteorology courses can be overwhelming, but you are more than capable of achieving success. I feel as if I have learned the most in classes that have proven to be a challenge. While it was not easy and at times stressful, the satisfaction you get upon completing a difficult assignment or learning about a complicated process is very rewarding.

What do you hope to cross off your “bucket list” in the next few years?

In the next few years I hope to have a successful first contract as a Broadcast Meteorologist. I am hoping to stay here in Lincoln, and it would be an honor to serve the community I grew up in. After a few years in the field, I want to apply to become an AMS Certified Broadcast Meteorologist, which helps build a sense of credibility with your viewers and opens the door to working in larger markets if that is something I feel called to do. Finally, I am looking to travel the world with hopes of going to Italy within a couple of years of graduating. I traveled outside of the country for the first time during the summer before my junior year and I have been itching to go abroad again ever since!

If you would like to see yourself in the spotlight, please contact Doug for more information.