If a test at the UNL on-campus COVID-19 testing site does not fit your schedule you can:
Seek a test by contacting the University Health Center to see if you meet testing criteria
Visit another TestNebraska site in Lincoln
Visit at another test site in the city
When should you get tested?
A COVID-19 self-assessment screening or screening app prompts you to have a COVID-19 test taken.
You begin to exhibit symptoms of COVID-19.
You have been exposed to another individual with COVID-19.
Close contact exposure occurs when an individual was within 6 feet of an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period, starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic patients, 2 days prior to positive specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated. As long as face masks are worn and 6 feet of physical distancing is maintained, being in the same classroom as someone who tests positive for COVID-19 does not constitute close contact.
You wish to be tested as a precaution, even if you have no current symptoms or high-risk exposure.
Why should you get tested?
In addition to wearing a face covering, social distancing and washing our hands, widespread testing is a proven, effective way to combat the spread of COVID-19.
Testing provides crucial data needed to track the spread of the disease, contain it and help find a cure or treatment.
To keep your family and community safe when you return home after the end of the semester.
How to prepare for getting tested
If testing as a precaution, continue to wear a face mask, practice social distancing, wash your hands regularly, limit your interactions with others as much as possible.
If symptomatic or due to exposure, you should self-quarantine and limit contact with others before your test and during the period you are awaiting your results.
17th & R Street TestNebraska Site
After registering, check your email and bring your QR code to your testing location. If you are unable to print it, please bring your phone or other device to show the health care staff your QR code upon arrival. This QR is emailed directly to you from TestNebraska.
Bring a legal government ID (driver's license, passport, etc.). An NCard is NOT sufficient.
Enter on foot on the R Street side of the facility. Cars are not permitted to drive through for testing. Parking is available in the UNL parking garage at 17th & R. On-street parking is also available in the surrounding area and during the duration of your test, limited parking is available in the loop directly in front of University Suites City Campus, 1780 R St, Lincoln, NE 68508-6106. UNL PD visitor parking is not available for those being tested.
Arrive 5 minutes prior to your scheduled test.
Once you arrive, continue to wear a mask and maintain social distancing (6 feet while on-site). The testing site is partially located outdoors, so please dress appropriately for the weather.
East Stadium Loop Site
Check your email and bring the confirmation email with you on your mobile device or print it.
Bring a legal government ID (driver's license, passport, etc.). An NCard is NOT sufficient.
Arrive 5 minutes prior to your scheduled test.
You may arrive on foot or in your vehicle for the drive-through option, follow the signs on-site to get in line.
Once you arrive, continue to wear a mask and maintain social distancing (6 feet while on-site). The testing site is partially located outdoors, so please dress appropriately for the weather.
What to do while waiting for your test results
If testing as a precaution, continue to wear a face mask, practice social distancing, wash your hands regularly, and limit your interactions with others as much as possible. The fewer interactions you have, the less likely you are to contract COVID-19 and bring it home with you.
If symptomatic or due to exposure,
Self-quarantine by staying at home, away from other people, until you get your test results. Let those you live with know that you are self-quarantining. When you get your test results, you will be told if you need to isolate at your home and if so, for how long.
Contact your instructor(s)/supervisor to make sure they know you are self-quarantining and discuss any needs you may have during this time period.
Check your email. The lab will send your test results within about 72 hours to the email address you provided when registering for the test.
Answer your phone. If you test positive, the Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department will need to contact you for contact tracing purposes.
Next steps if your test is positive. Self-report to covid19@unl.edu or text 402-266-6865 to learn about isolation options and support resources.
Review the FAQ section regarding what to do if you test positive or test negative.
More details at: https://covid19.unl.edu/free-campus-covid-19-testing