Undergraduate Teaching Assistant-UGTA

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant-UGTA
Job Opportunity
The School of Biological Sciences welcomes applications from undergraduates to assist in the Microbiology teaching labs. We are currently accepting applications for the BIOS111L and BIOS314 labs for the Spring, 2023, semester.

REQUIRED: Completed the course with a minimum grade of B
Teach a one 3-hour lab section per week
Attend weekly TA training meetings (Fridays)
Work 8-10 hours per week
Includes time spent in the lab, office hours, grading, proctoring and preparation
Prior experience desired, but not required

UGTAs are employed from the Friday prior to the start of classes through finals week. They are required to be on campus for the entire employment period excluding student holidays listed on the University Calendar. Employees are paid hourly, distributed in bi-weekly installments.

APPLYING: Application can be found at biosci.unl.edu/jobs (QR code, below)
Contact Lab Manager, Rhonda Griess, rgriess3@unl.edu (E205 Beadle Center) for more information.

More details at: https://rgriess3@unl.edu