Love Your Heart

Heart disease remains the No. 1 killer for all Americans.

It's more frightening that the disease disproportionately impacts Black communities as well as other minority groups such as Hispanics and American Indians/Alaska Natives.

For this reason, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is raising awareness and education through Love Your Heart, a series of heart health events for diverse students on Feb. 22–26, 2021. The events include:

Social Media Challenge, Feb. 22–26
Love Your Heart - Know Your Numbers webinar, Feb. 22
Free Breakfast and Wellness Profiles, Feb. 23
Stress-Reduction Yoga Class, Feb. 24
Instagram Live Cook-A-Long Class, Feb. 25
Love Your Heart is co-sponsored by Afrikan People's Union, Campus Recreation, Minority Pre-Health Association, Minority Student-Athlete Collective, Office of Academic Success and Intercultural Services, Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life and University Health Center.

The Shocking Statistics
According to the American Heart Association, more than 40 percent of non-Hispanic African Americans have high blood pressure (HBP). HBP also develops earlier in life and is usually more severe in Black adults. reports that African Americans are three times as likely to die from heart disease caused by HBP as non-Hispanic white adults. Black communities are also at high risk of being overweight and having diabetes, which also contributes to heart disease and stroke risk.

The good news is that learning the risks and taking steps to address them can increase your odds of preventing or beating heart disease. The Heart Foundation recommends the following actions:

Know your numbers (blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar)
Take the medications prescribed to you for diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.
Eat a healthy diet
Watch your salt intake
Stay physically active
Maintain a healthy weight
Learn your family history and teach your current/future children how to be healthy
Quit tobacco
Lower your stress

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