It’s almost here!! Our 2nd Annual Agar Art Event is this Wednesday, April 6th from 5 to 6 pm @ Beadle E122.1. Those of you who attended the mandatory safety training and finished the online training are able to join us in making art with bacteria !! We can’t wait to see what you can come up with :)
Also be on the lookout for more information soon about a lab tour with Food Microbiologist Dr. Hutkins at Food Innovation Center on NIC on April 20th!
There are students, especially those from rural areas, underrepresented students, and females, who would be interested in working for NASA and have not yet had an opportunity to be introduced to NASA-related careers and fields of study in a meaningful way. The Introduction to NASA Fellowships program targets freshman and sophomore students attending our academic affiliates across Nebraska. We plan to make 20 awards at $1,500 each. Continue reading…
Dr. Michelle Smith - Cornell University
“What are Undergraduate Students Learning and Experiencing in Field Courses? ”
Mar. 10, 2022
Zoom Link:
Password: sbsseminar Continue reading…
Student Research Days 2022 will take place in-person on Monday, April 11 and Tuesday, April 12 in the Nebraska Union. Students must register to participate in the Graduate Poster Session and Creative Exhibition by March 11, 2022. he event will showcase graduate and undergraduate student research and creative accomplishments on campus. Cash prize incentives for the top presentations! Continue reading…
April 28, 2 - 3PM Via Zoom
"Structure, biogenesis, and engineering of the
Eukaryotic CO2-concentrating organelle, the Pyrenoid"
Dr. Martin Jonikas
Associate Professor of Molecular Biology,
Princeton University Continue reading…
Starting March 21st, Microbiology students will be assigned temporarily to an Arts and Sciences Advising group that includes the following 3 advising leaders in the College of Arts and Sciences:
Assistant Director of Advising, Amy Beyer
Myself, the Director of Academic Advising
Senior Director for Student Academic and Career Development, Christina Fielder casadvising@unl.eduContinue reading…