Looking for opportunities to gain experience and explore careers, meet with a career coach to find research opportunities, internships, part-time jobs, and more. To meet with a CAS Career Coach schedule an appointment through MyPLAN.
Virtual Conversation with a Nebraska Natural Legacy Biologist
Wednesday, Oct. 20th, 10-11am, Virtual
• Join us on the third Wednesday of each month as we highlight 12 different careers within the Game and Parks realm. These live interviews will be conducted via ZOOM and each month we will focus on a different career within Nebraska Game and Parks.
• Here, students and the public will be encouraged to ask questions relating to the career field, during the live interview. Presenters will also be showcasing photos, props and new information on their daily life in their job.
• Zoom link: https://outdoornebraska.zoom.us/j/94311695247?pwd=TFo5dGNDU09tQWNrOTNveGQrSWlFQT09
Virtual Career Expedition-Networking with DC Husker Alumni
Thursday, Oct. 21st 5-6:30pm CDT
• The Business Career Center has created a networking event with DC area alumni available for any student to attend
• Registration is encouraged but not required.
• Professionals attending:
o Ali Britzman, ’15, Budget Manager, NPR and formerly National Geographic
o Daien Wang, ’16, Research Analyst/Senior Portfolio Administrator, Edgar Lomax Company
o Jim Clifton, Chairman and CEO, Gallup
o Jon Clifton, Global Managing Partner, Gallup
o Adam Froemming, Director of Sales, Topgolf and formerly Washington Nationals
o Daniel Baldwin, ’11, Internal Audit Manager, Freddie Mac
• https://app.joinhandshake.com/events/869916?ref=events-search
First Gen Career Meet Up
October 21st from 4:00 to 5:30 pm in East Campus Union in the Great Plains Room
• What Is a Career Meet-Up?
o It’s a relaxed, low-pressure opportunity to connect with and learn from professionals in fields of interest where First Gen students can gain insight on those career fields, learn how to prepare for them, and make valuable connections with First Gen professionals in those fields.
• Career Interest Communities Represented: Environment, Natural Resources, Health & Wellness, Food & Agriculture, Hospitality, Sports & Recreation, Human Services, Teaching & Training, Science Research & Development
Behavioral Health Career Fair
October 21st from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm - Virtual
• Join this free event to get information about:
o Behavioral health education programs from Nebraska colleges and universities
o Internship opportunities
o Job openings
o Tuition assistance
o Loan reimbursement programs
o And MORE
• Register Here: https://bhecn.virtualcareerfairs.com/event/rc/login?fbclid=IwAR0uqyFlNW8B-fZs9YykWXPylgIVHn9Ip18mb-svt8cdE0kn5T3utwiaQQE
FBI Investigative Specialist Position Info Session
October 21st at 3:00 pm
• As the eyes and ears of the FBI, Surveillance professionals work with Special Agents to discreetly gather intelligence in support of various types of investigations.
• Please join us on Thursday, Oct. 21 at 1 PM (PST). Link to the Microsoft Teams session is below:
o https://gov.teams.microsoft.us/l/meetup-join/19%3agcch%3ameeting_4c5532c19e84464d8616cdbd071e4c6a%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22022914a9-b95f-4b7b-bace-551ce1a04071%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22b96a3496-3022-48da-9479-451977b74581%22%7d
FBI Special Agent Info Session: Women Leading the Charge:
October 21st from 4:00 to 5:00 pm
• Hear from female Special Agents who have dedicated themselves to being on the frontlines of the world's premier law enforcement agency.
• Join us on Thursday, Oct. 21 at 2 PM (PST). Please join us via Microsoft Teams (link below):
o https://gov.teams.microsoft.us/l/meetup-join/19%3agcch%3ameeting_f2f6cd1034a143bcbf279096ac67f0cc%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22022914a9-b95f-4b7b-bace-551ce1a04071%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22b96a3496-3022-48da-9479-451977b74581%22%7d
Interviewing Tips for Health Schools
October 21 from 4:00 to 5:00 pm in Love Library South
• Will you be interviewing for a professional health school soon? Learn strategies for approaching your interview and making it your best. Then, sign up for a mock interview to practice what you learned.
Practice LSAT Test #65
October 23 from 8:45 am to 12:00 pm in Burnett 115
• Take this opportunity to practice taking LSAT under timed conditions. This practice exam will be in paper and pencil format, and not a digital format like the official LSAT exams. However, taking a practice LSAT under timed conditions will help you to practice your strategies and thought processes and hone your test-taking skills.
• To Register: https://exploreregistration.unl.edu
2021 Diversity Pre-Law Symposium and Law School Admissions Fair.
October 23rd
• The UHLC Pre-Law Pipeline Program, HMARIA, Inc., Roure Diversity Pipeline Alliance-Legal, and John Jay College of Criminal Justice/CUNY cordially invite all students from minority, low socio-economic, or underrepresented backgrounds and who are interested in pursuing a legal career to attend the two-day 2021 Diversity Pre-Law Symposium and Law School Admissions Fair. The Diversity Pre-Law Symposium and Law School Admissions Fair is free to attend and is designed to educate and introduce diverse students to law schools across the country. We will have panel speakers discuss the law school application process, financial aid, joint degree programs, and professionalism in the legal industry.
• More information: https://law.uh.edu/pipeline/lawfair/
Employer in Residence: First National Bank of Nebraska
October 21st from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm in the College of Business Howard L. Hawks Hall
Employer Information: For a century and a half, FNBO, a subsidiary of First National of Nebraska, has set the standard for outstanding customer service coupled with some of the most innovative financial products in the industry. When it opened in 1857, FNBO was a local bank that served only Omaha and the surrounding communities. Today, FNBO has locations in seven states and more than 6.6 million customers across the country. First National of Nebraska and its affiliates have $17 billion in managed assets and over 5,000 employee associates.
Current openings: Internal Communications Internship-Remote Available in Nebraska
Careers webpage: https://www.fnbo.com/careers/
Employer in Residence: Kohls
October 22nd from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm on Zoom
Zoom Link: https://go.unl.edu/employerinresidencezoom
Employer Information: Our purpose as a company is to inspire and empower families to lead fulfilled lives–to let our customers know that the things that make their lives better are within their reach. That goes for our associates too. We want you to grow professionally and personally, so we offer empowerment and potential in an environment that makes you feel at home. We’re down to earth, but we’re up for the challenge. We’re friendly, but we’re focused. We work hard, but we have fun. Experience life at Kohl’s.
Current openings: 2022 Store Management Trainee (MIT), Summer 2022 Store Management Intern
Careers webpage: https://careers.kohls.com/internships
• Career Connections-Igniting your Career at National Lab
• Google Presents: Building a Technical Career
• Market Spotlight-Science Industry & Technology
• Real Talk Tuesday: LGBTQ+ @Ford
• JPMorgan Chase & Co. 2021 Early Talent: Talent Acquisition Informational Session
• Girls Who Invest: Information Session
• Spring/Summer 2022 Sales Internship Information Session with Aflac
• 2022 J.P. Morgan Wealth Management Program Information Session 10/20 & 10/21