Guest Artist Göran Marcusson Performance

Göran Marcusson
Göran Marcusson

Swedish flutist and solo recording artist Göran Marcusson performs in recital with pianist Christi Zuniga and UNL flutist John Bailey on Tuesday, October 15 at 7:30 p.m. in the Westbrook Recital Hall. Marcusson will also give a masterclass 3:30-5:30 pm on the same day in Westbrook 114, working with UNL graduate and undergraduate flutists. Known for his inspirational and sympathetic teaching, Göran offers highly effective masterclasses. He and his wife, Gitte, host the largest flute masterclass in Sweden every October, called “The Nordic Flute.”

Göran is a Miyazawa Artist and plays on a unique flute especially made for him called “Western Orchid.”

Free and open to the public.

More details at: