I am thrilled to announce the 19th Annual Midwest ClariFest at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Glenn Korff School of Music on Saturday, March 12, 2016. The day will begin with a recital featuring the Amicitia Duo with music by Mendelssohn, Kibbe, Schocker, Bedoya, Krommer, and Ponchielli. Other events feature mid-morning and afternoon master classes for students of all levels with our special guest artist, Dr. Denise Gainey, Associate Professor of Clarinet from the University of Alabama-Birmingham; daytime performances from regional clarinetists; informative sessions related to the great clarinetist and pedagogue Kalmen Opperman (by Dr. Gainey who is currently working on publishing a book about his teaching and his life); and a complimentary lunch that provides an opportunity for fellowship with all festival participants. All events are in the Westbrook Music Recital Hall (#119) in the Glenn Korff School of Music and are free and open to the public; the day begins at 9am (with check in starting at 8:30am) and will conclude by 6pm.
Register at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1CCyzrdlg4iYZNQSUbXtgieM6U2vqWFl7TZjFzJca83U/viewform