Take advantage of savings of up to $600 by enrolling in a graduate course this summer through the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Nebraska Math and Science Summer Institutes.
As UNL transitions to online learning for all summer courses, the NMSSI program is making a renewed commitment to teacher learning. Just as much of the nation is expected to shelter in place, we encourage teachers to “learn in place.”
If you are looking for professional development, UNL has made several decisions that result in substantial savings for teachers taking summer classes. The cost of online tuition per credit hour now matches the more affordable in-person rate, and the University Program and Facilities Fee (UPFF) and the Online Course Fee are both being waived. As a result, an online course that would have cost $1,176 for a Nebraska resident is now $868.55 with the 20% tuition discount from the NMSSI program.
NMSSI Fellowships, typically $300 per course, can further reduce the cost of one course to $568.55. Current Nebraska classroom teachers should apply for NMSSI Fellowships at https://go.unl.edu/scimathapply. Start by creating an account on our CSMCE Application Portal.
For a list of courses to choose from, and their detailed course descriptions, please see our course catalog: https://scimath.unl.edu/nmssi/2020/course-catalog/.
The Benefits of the NMSSI:
• Each course is worth 3 graduate credit hours
• Courses will be offered utilizing several instructional models to allow for flexibility in scheduling
• Enroll in one simple application as a post-bac student at https://go.unl.edu/gradapp
• Teachers can apply for a tuition fellowship from the NMSSI: https://go.unl.edu/scimathapply
Take advantage of these professional development opportunities conveniently and affordably. Join the NMSSI community and “learn in place!” Contact us at nebraskamath@unl.edu with questions.