Access the NSCAS assessment development application

Even though the NSCAS test windows have not opened, it is time to start planning for next year. Below is a link for an application for summer NSCAS test development & alignment work for NSCAS summative general (ELA, math, science) and for formative classroom task development for science. All assessment development work will be done virtually this summer.

We would like all districts to encourage their best and brightest educators to apply for the NSCAS test development opportunities. It is important to NDE to get broad representation from districts, and it is a great learning experience for your best educators! This experience also enhances teachers’ assessment literacy. NDE welcomes and encourages educators with various backgrounds to apply. The entire process best serves students when diverse voices contribute to the creation and maintenance of NSCAS assessments.

The first page of the application will offer details about content areas and dates. Please let NDE know if you have any questions about the application or the test development opportunities. The initial selection process will begin at the end of March.

Deb Romanek
Mathematics Education Specialist
Office of Teaching, Learning, & Assessment
301 Centennial Mall South
Lincoln NE, 68508
P: (531) 220-6014 NEW