Increase student interest and success in science by enhancing your knowledge of equitable and inclusive science teaching and learning as a Master Teaching Fellow at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Apply by Sept. 15 for the second Noyce Master Teacher Fellows cohort, which includes a four-year Educational Specialist Science Education Leadership degree program and long-term professional development program for secondary science teachers, funded by the National Science Foundation (DUE-2050650)* and offered through UNL.
You will engage in National Board Certification and inclusive science education and teacher leadership activities by joining a national community of NSF Noyce Master Teaching Fellows (MTFs). During this five-year fellowship, you will also participate in annual surveys and interviews as part of the project’s grant evaluation. These will take place at a time and location of your choosing and will pose no risk to you. Your school principal will also be invited to participate in the project evaluation study. If selected as a Noyce MTF, you also will receive an $11,000 salary supplement per year.
Read all of the program details on our website: https://cehs.unl.edu/tlte/nsf-noyce-master-teaching-fellows-program/. Once you are accepted to the MTF program, then you will apply for the Ed.S. degree by Nov. 1, 2022.
To be eligible for this MTF program, you must:
• Be a current, experienced (ideally have taught for a minimum of 5 years), secondary science teacher in a Nebraska high-need school, and be passionate about innovative and inclusive science education and teacher leadership.
• Be a full-time teacher in the classroom (i.e., not a science coach or curriculum specialist) in a high-need** district.
• Have completed a master’s degree in science (MS) or science education/teaching (MA) (or on track to finish within 1 year of starting the Ed.S. degree program).
Application can be found at: https://cehs.unl.edu/cehs/csmce-applicationregistration/. Note that when you apply for the MTF program, you will need to have all items ready to upload, at the same time. See website for list of documents.
You will be notified of acceptance by Oct. 15, 2022, in order to apply to the Ed.S. degree by Nov. 1. Orientation occurs in Dec. 22, and coursework begins Spring 2023. See more deadline information on the website.
If you are unsure about your eligibility or have any questions not answered on the website, please contact Dr. Beth Lewis at elewis3@unl.edu.
* This project, “Meeting the Needs of Diverse Students through a Next Generation of Science Teacher Leadership,” has been established by the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education thanks to the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Track 3 grant awarded by the National Science Foundation. Project partners are Omaha Public Schools, Lincoln Public Schools, Grand Island Public Schools, Nebraska Teachers of Science (NATS), and the Nebraska Department of Education. Note: If accepted, you must teach for five years to complete the requirements of the Noyce MTF fellowship.
**Your school will be considered high-need if the percentage of students receiving free or reduced lunch is 40% or more. Visit the NDE website to find out: http://nep.education.ne.gov/.