New TLTE course offering: Methods of Teaching Elementary Science in a STEM Context

Elementary STEM Course graphic
Elementary STEM Course graphic

Deepika Menon, assistant professor in UNL’s Department of Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education (TLTE) will be teaching a new course, TEAC 842A, focused on teaching science in the elementary STEM classroom, in Spring 2025.

Course title: TEAC 842A: Methods of Teaching Elementary Science in a STEM Context
When: Spring 2025, Wednesdays, 6:00-8:50 PM
Format: Online

The overarching goal of the course will be to explore, reflect on, and develop the knowledge, self-efficacy, and skills needed to foster the success of elementary students in STEM.

Specific course aims include:

  • To develop a deeper understanding of content and pedagogical practices relevant to K-5 science teaching.
  • To investigate problems of practice associated with the position of science in STEM.
  • What is the current state and position of science in the STEM or STEAM Education Era?
  • What is scientific inquiry? How is it related to scientific practices? Are practices different than skills?