Talented high school students and teachers are invited to participate in the 15th annual Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (KNO-JSHS). The symposium will be held at Oklahoma State University on Friday, March 3, and Saturday, March 4, 2017. The Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma Junior Science and Humanities Symposium is part of an established national program of the Academy of Applied Science and the U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force.
The primary objective of the JSHS symposium is to search out talented youth to encourage the development of their scientific interests and abilities. We invite teachers to select outstanding science students who conduct original research.
Lodging (Friday night) and meals (Friday night dinner, Saturday breakfast, Saturday luncheon, and snacks) for student participants and one sponsor/teacher from each school will be covered by KNO-JSHS. Participants and the sponsor/teacher will be responsible for any additional charges beyond the cost of the room incurred at the lodging site. Schools bringing more than one sponsor/teacher or additional guests will be responsible for arranging and paying for their own lodging. Additional guests (parents, teachers, sponsors) attending JSHS have the option to purchase a weekend visitor pass for $50 to be paid for at event check-in (via cash or check). This pass will provide access to presentations and meals (this does not include overnight accommodations). Meals include: Friday night dinner, Saturday breakfast, Saturday luncheon, and snacks.
The deadline for teacher and student applications is Tuesday, Feb., 14, 2017 at 5 p.m. Applications received after that date will not be considered for participation in the symposium. The online application form is now live. Students and teachers will be notified by Tuesday, Feb. 21, if selected to participate in JSHS.
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