Do you know any high school juniors or seniors who would be interested in going camping to discover the geologic history of the Rocky Mountains? If so, please encourage them to apply to attend a discovery-based field course where we spend nine days camping in Wyoming, Nebraska and South Dakota, and two days on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus. This experience will help the students to determine if a Geoscience career is right for them. The primary aim of the Geoscience Bridge Program is to expose high school seniors and juniors with an interest in the Earth Sciences to the Earth and its history, and to provide an introductory ‘BRIDGE’ into college life and studies with a cohort of other learners.
The Geoscience Bridge Program is now accepting applications for summer 2017. This year’s field camp will run from July 13-24 and it is entirely free for participants. All costs for transport, food, and accommodations will be covered by a grant from the National Science Foundation. Similar trips have been led by the experienced team of UNL geoscientists for more than 10 years. The application deadline is April 1, 2017.
For more information and to apply visit the CSMCE application portal at https://cse.unl.edu/scimath/apps/
or contact Dr. Mindi Searls (msearls2@unl.edu) or Dr. David Harwood (dharwood1@unl.edu)