Please join us for the third STEM Education Research Retreat during Fall Break, Tuesday October 17, in Hardin Hall on UNL East Campus. This retreat is intended for all faculty, staff, postdoctoral research assistants, and students (graduate and undergraduate) who are conducting Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics Education (STEM) Research on the UNL campus.The goals of this retreat are to provide an avenue for the STEM Education Research community to learn about one another’s projects and develop research collaborations.
The retreat consists of three main events:
Knowledge sharing: An interactive poster session will provide an opportunity for participants to showcase their teaching, extension, and/or research programs designed to foster science or STEM literacy.
Network building: K-12 representatives will provide a talk on problems of practice and identify potential collaborations with the UNL STEM Education Research community.
Federal funding: Principal investigators of federally funded STEM education projects will answer questions from retreat participants about funding programs during roundtable discussions.
Training on new regulations around Human Subject research: The Institutional Review Board office will provide an optional one hour training on the changes to the Common Rule and associated changes to NUGrant.
Come and share your research projects, get answers to your funding and IRB questions, and develop your research network!
The deadline to register or present a poster is Friday, October 6, 2017.
For more information about the retreat and to register, please go to: http://scimath.unl.edu/stem-ed-retreat/2017/
Please email questions to Marilyne Stains (mstains2@unl.edu).
More details at: http://scimath.unl.edu/stem-ed-retreat/2017/