MEP National Network Sponsoring MFG Day 2020

Oct 2 is National MFG Day
Oct 2 is National MFG Day

Manufacturing Day (MFG Day) is an opportunity for manufacturers to highlight what's taking place on factory floors across the country and to energize a future pipeline of skilled workers. An annual event on the first Friday of October, MFG Day lets manufacturers open their doors to showcase modern manufacturing and raise interest in manufacturing careers. The MEP National Network has participated in MFG Day by hosting, coordinating and promoting events since it began in 2009. In 2020, the Network is again pleased to be a sponsor of MFG Day.

On MFG Day, businesses show the public what manufacturing really looks like through more than 3,000 events in each of the 50 states and Puerto Rico. More than 325,000 students, parents and community members attend each year. The rallying point for a growing mass movement, MFG Day empowers manufacturers to come together to address their collective challenges so they can help their communities and future generations thrive.

To learn more about what the MEP National Network is doing to celebrate and support MFG Day, please visit NIST MEP's MFG Day webpage.

To learn more about MFG Day overall, please visit the official MFG Day website.