The Nebraska MEP’s Supervisor Development 1-day workshops will resume this fall in Lincoln and Omaha. This is an excellent opportunity to invest in your supervisory employees and assist them in building their skill set.
September 12 - Problem Solving - Lincoln
This interactive training provides supervisors and key employees with a basic overview of the problem-solving process. The training includes problem-solving definition, the benefits of a good process, and provides basic starting points for each participant to develop their problem-solving skills. We will cover PDCA (Plan, Do, Check Act), demonstrate different types of problem-solving tools, how to use them and under what circumstances each tool is best used.
Details: https://nemep.unl.edu/problem-solving/
September 19 - Job Relations - Omaha
October 10 - Job Relations - Lincoln
October 17 - Job Relations - Omaha
Job Relations (JR) teaches supervisors how to evaluate and take proper actions to handle and to prevent people-problems. It also demonstrates how positive employee relations can be used as the foundation for your employee relationships.
Details: https://nemep.unl.edu/job-relations-jr/