The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, International Affairs, the Office of Admissions and Campus Recreation are holding an informational meeting at 5pm on February 28 in Campus Recreation, room 55C, to discuss the coordination of a UNL World Cup for UNL students. Free Papa John’s pizza will be provided. The purpose of the meeting is to coordinate this event during the weekend of April 14-15, 2012 for a “World Cup” style soccer tournament to include international students and U.S. students. All interested parties are encouraged to attend. If you plan to attend, or for more information, please contact Bill Goa at or Tim Alvarez at
Next@Nebraska Sun. Feb. 26, 2012
- The Three Musketeers, March 1-3
- MyPLAN tab in Blackboard available tomorrow
- Grad student Estes publishes "Affirming Me: diminishing ed"
- Swearer to help launch Lady Gaga's Born This Way Foundation
- Events mark National Eating Disorder Awareness Week
- World Cup Event Planning Meeting
- Women's Rugby Wants You!
- Student Involvement Poker Night
- CIC membership expands Libraries' digital resources
- Brown Bag LGBTQA Drop-In: "That's so gay"...Recognizing & Responding to Subtle Forms of Discrimination
- Schoengold's Honors Forum lecture is Feb. 28
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