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Next@Nebraska Sun. Nov. 10, 2019
- Peace and Civility Workshop & Roundtable for student leaders
- Fridays in Fall: Free ice skating + Gabby Rivera event both November 15
- Corn Bowl Blood Drive: Beat Iowa!
- Bike Care: 5 steps to winterize your bicycle for storage
- Dish It Up! discusses civility
- BROTHER 2 BROTHER maximizes leadership and fellowship for men of color
- Healthy People, Sustainable Planet
- Eyewitness at the Mexican Border: Reflections by Attorney Astrid Munn
- Innovation Workshop
- School Psychology Awareness Week!
- Visitors - 11/10/19
- Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK) Application for Circle Class 2020-2021
- New UNL-Faculty Led Program To Morocco
- Stories of a Bird Biologist in Latin America
- UNL Opera premieres opera based on Sandoz novel on founding of Cozad
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