Throughout second semester 2012, all UNL Dining Centers, the Nebraska East Union, and the Campus Rec Centers will have a life-size display of Herbie Husker and seven UNL students to promote the "Every Body is Different – Make My Plate Your Plate" program.
The goal of the "Every Body is Different- Make My Plate Your Plate" program is to provide information and resources to guide students toward making healthful meal choices designed for the uniqueness of each student. This traveling life-size display of UNL students represent female and male students with a range of ages, heights, weights, and levels of activity. Each student has different daily requirements for calories and food groups based on their differences. The display shows how the My Plate meal selection is different for each student with the common denominator of an overall ‘healthful’ My Plate rating.
The display presents these differences as follows:
• The three college men have meals that include a turkey and cheese hoagie along with varying amounts of additional meal items.
• Three of the college women have meals that include a hamburger and bun along with varying amounts of additional meal items.
• The lacto-ovo vegetarian meals center on a veggie burger and bun with varying amounts of the additional meal items.
The "Every Body is Different - Make My Plate Your Plate" display can be viewed at the following locations and dates:
• Harper Dining: Feb. 14 to 19
• Abel/Sandoz Dining: Feb. 20 to 26
• Cather/Pound/Neihardt: Feb. 27 to March 2
• Selleck Dining: March 5 to 8
• City Rec Center: March 9 to 11
• Nebraska East Union Café: March 12 to 14
• East Rec Center: March 14 to 16
For help on building Your Plate go to and select Super Tracker. You will be able to enter information about ‘You’ and create Your Plate food groups to meet the My Plate guidelines.
For more information about the "Every Body is Different – Make My Plate Your Plate" program contact:
Pam Edwards