CAS Week, a week of events where students, faculty and staff celebrate being a part of the humanities and social, natural and mathematical sciences, begins on March 2. The events are organized and hosted by the College of Arts and Sciences Student Advisory Board (CASSAB).
"Our main goal is to interact with students from all majors within the college, along with faculty and staff," CASSAB member Lauren Weis said, "CASSAB is most successful with input and representation from all majors, so we are hosting events in a variety of buildings throughout the week in order to reach as many students as possible."
CAS Week 2020 Schedule:
Monday, March 2
CAS Scavenger Hunt, Nebraska Union near the Food Court.
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Wednesday, March 4
Meet and Greet with the Dean, including free professional headshots, Bailey Library in Andrews Hall, floor 2.
1 - 3 p.m.
Thursday, March 5
Faculty and Staff Appreciation, Bailey Library in Andrews Hall, floor 2.
11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Friday, March 6
Fingerprint Mural and Toiletry Drive for the Lincoln Friendship Home, Oldfather Hall, floor 1.
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
"CAS Week allows our student leaders to help promote and celebrate all of the diverse people who make up our college," said Tony Lazarowicz, a co-advisor of the board and associate director for academic advising.
Kristen Alrich, a career coarch and the other co-advisor for the board, said, "[CAS Week] brings together students from across our disciplines to share challenges and successes and to celebrate the work of all."
CASSAB [] is a registered student organization whose members are a liaison between students and the college's deans, faculty, and staff.
"The board provides students with a voice on college matters," Lazarowicz said. "They serve on college boards as well as provide and support programming that enhances students' experience within our college."
Aldrich said she and Lazarowicz "challenge all members to think outside the box on how to utilize their role as the voice of students within the college and find ways to collaborate with other RSO initiatives."
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