Self-Defense and Personal Safety Class

Self-Defense Personal Safety Class - UNL Shotokan Karate of America Club
Self-Defense Personal Safety Class - UNL Shotokan Karate of America Club

UNL Shotokan Karate of America Club is hosting a self-defense and personal safety class 6 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, March 10 in the Nebraska Union Ballroom led by instructor David Altman, Godan (5th-degree Black Belt).

Karate teaches us that self-defense is more than knowing how to punch and kick. Self-defense is the practice of awareness of your surroundings, the ability to react when necessary, and knowing certain vulnerabilities that all humans possess.

The self-defense and personal safety class will explore these topics in more detail through a series of instructional and participatory exercises focused on simple, easy-to-remember techniques to protect oneself.

The class is open to the public, including people of all ages and abilities. Cost is $15 per participant. Participants are encouraged to wear loose clothing.

David Altman is a student of Tsutomu Ohshima and received all of his ranks directly from him. Master Ohshima is widely regarded as one of the world’s most preeminent instructors of Shotokan Karate and leads an international network of Shotokan organizations in 17 countries.

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