The university has expanded the opportunity for students to receive an earned letter grade or choose a Pass/No Pass option for courses taken in the Spring 2020 semester and have those courses that receive a P grade count toward degree requirements. Students will have until May 29 to switch any Spring 2020 course from a letter grade to Pass/No Pass and are required to consult with an advisor before doing so.
Undergraduate students: A detailed Q & A has been created with information about existing grading policies and the expansion for Spring 2020. Important details to note:
- The standing policy that a P corresponds to a letter grade of C or better still holds.
- The deadline of May 29 is for students to switch between letter grades and Pass/No Pass in either direction.
- Students must consult with an advisor in order to switch to Pass/No Pass.
To make informed decisions about what grading system is the right choice for a course, students are encouraged choose traditional letter grades now and decide whether to switch to Pass/No Pass between when final grades are posted and May 29.
Graduate students: Guidelines have been posted on the Graduate Studies COVID-19 website about existing grading policies and the expansion for Spring 2020. Important details to note:
- P grades may be used on a master’s program Memorandum of Courses or a doctoral Program of Studies. NP grades will not count toward degree requirements.
- Students whose area of study is within the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Doctor of Plant Health, Master of Architecture or Juris Doctor programs will need to contact their program director or dean for more information about their grading policies.
To make this switch, students are required to consult with their major advisor about any possible consequences for employment, certification, licensure, admission to graduate or professional schools, or other circumstances that might be affected by choosing the Pass/No Pass option. Major advisors will then notify the Office of Graduate Studies of any changes from a letter grade to Pass/No Pass by contacting the master’s and doctoral program coordinators.