In the midst of all that's happening right now, it can be too easy to get sucked into constant pessimism. Endlessly scrolling through virus updates, news feeds and political disputes can negatively affect your mental well-being.
While there can be a lot of toxicity on social media, there is also a substantial number of accounts looking to spread hope. These are all similar in that their goal is to inspire others and shine a light on the good in people.
On Instagram, @humansofny shares short personal stories from pedestrians in New York City. If you're looking for a relatable, emotional and uplifting feed, reading the stories of the strangers featured on this account are a surefire way to see the good in others.
Some Good News, the Youtube channel hosted by John Krasinski (from "The Office" and "A Quiet Place") is a fun-loving web show featuring surprise celebrity appearances, huge fundraisers and uplifting news stories. Krasinski began the show as an effort to spread joy during the ongoing pandemic. You can also follow the corresponding Instagram account.
@goodnews_movement on Instagram is a news account dedicated to only sharing the good news from each day. Whether it be a human interest story, positive strides forward in medicine or simple a cute viral video, not once ounce of conflict will show up on this feed.
Dr Happy, also known as Dr. Tim Sharp, runs a Twitter account to help focus on the good things in life. A mental health advocate and speaker, Dr. Happy's feed offers his own words of wisdom, articles on how to improve your wellbeing, and other advice.
@tanksgoodnews is another Instagram account that is devoted to boosting good news. Their headlines focus on engaging and hopeful stories that puts a spotlight on individuals doing good for others.
Above all else, nothing works to cheer someone up like a cute animal video. Follow @cats_of_instagram or @dogsofinstagram to get started on forgetting the world's troubles and enjoying some adorable pets instead. These popular feeds can help you discover smaller pet or animal accounts as well.
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