It's officially the middle of summer– it's hard to focus on anything besides tackling your summer bucket list of fun activities. However, it's still important to keep up with your academics. If you're currently taking summer courses or just want to get a jump on the fall semester, these tips can help you stay focused on your academic goals.
Try doing schoolwork outdoors. There's a good chance you'd rather be out in the nice weather soaking in the sunlight than indoors studying. You can try working on homework outside to combine the two and still get your much-needed time outside.
Create a consistent schedule. It's easy to let long summer days drag on without getting much done, but this is an all-too-easy way to fall behind on work. Maintaining the same schedule each week will maximize your time, allowing you to spend more of it doing things you enjoy.
Keep up with a fun hobby as well. Find an activity you'll love doing– it will motivate you to finish schoolwork earlier in the day and provide an outlet for any class-related stress. An engaged mind is a calmer, clearer mind, and you won't feel so overwhelmed with thoughts of academic work.
Give yourself a break. You still deserve a break between spring and fall semesters, so don't be afraid to take some self-care time. Do something that relaxes you, avoid overworking yourself, and check out these brain break ideas if you're in for an all-day study session.
Connect with campus support services. Compact courses and digital learning present unique challenges. Don't be afraid to seek help from academic support offices such as academic coaches at the Center for Academic Success and Transition (CAST) and counselors at Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS).