We’re hearing rumors that some students are advising others not to be tested for COVID-19 or if tested, not to report it or comply with contract tracing efforts by the Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department. Learn why this is simply not good advice. Continue reading…
Every Husker has a responsibility to protect both themselves and the campus community from the spread of COVID-19 so the fall semester can be a success. THANK YOU to the 15,000 Huskers who already signed the Cornhusker Commitment and are committed to doing your part. To sign, click below.
More details at: https://go.unl.edu/commit
It's essential to be involved during your college years. Finding your place on campus gives a sense of belonging, boosts your professional and personal skills, and creates lifelong friendships. RSO Club Fair is Wednesday, August 26. Continue reading to see which clubs will be there and...
More details at: https://studentaffairs.unl.edu/news/find-your-connection-rso-club-fair-wednesday
HANDSHAKE is online portal for Huskers to discover and apply for student jobs. The campus dining centers, the Nebraska Unions, and other spots are all currently hiring. It's easy to set up your Handshake account through the Career Services website and you can quickly view and apply for positions.
More details at: https://careers.unl.edu/resources/welcome-to-handshake-at-unl/
From the Daily Nebraskan | Flag football, sand volleyball, and outdoor soccer will be played - yet with less players per team, required face coverings while playing, and limited contact between people. Individual, dual and virtual sport activities are offered too.
More details at: http://www.dailynebraskan.com/sports/unl-campus-rec-looks-to-offer-safe-options-for-fall-intramural-sports/article_72ea1082-e345-11ea-86b1-c3fa2468a12f.html
A student-based listening session will take place Tuesday, Aug. 25 from 6-8 p.m. to create a safe space to engage in meaningful conversations about racial discrimination, and how to dismantle structures that perpetuate racial biases on campus and beyond. Please RSVP to participate via Zoom. Continue reading…
Big Red Resilience and Well-being is expanding its options for students to receive well-being coaching. In addition to phone and Zoom sessions, you can now opt for an in-person 'walking session' in which you discuss your well-being concerns and goals while on a casual stroll. Continue reading…
Roni Miller, president of the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska, shares a message about the need for students to understand the severity and delicacy of the current situation and the steps Huskers must take for an in-person semester to be successful. Read her entire statement.
More details at: https://news.unl.edu/newsrooms/today/article/asun-president-if-we-ignore-public-health-policy-we-will-not-stay-on-campus/
'Fridays in Fall' highlights free(ish) student-focused events happening on campus on Friday afternoons and evenings in the fall semester. All students are welcome. Face coverings and appropriate physical distancing will be required. THIS WEEK: Back-to-School Bash and Friday Afternoon Plant Sale.
More details at: https://go.unl.edu/fridays_in_fall
When you need health care, the University Health Center is a resource for you. Check out these updates to processes and services for the fall semester. Continue reading…
More details at: https://health.unl.edu
Regardless of your preferred coffee style- hot, cold or blended - you never need to leave campus for a drink between study sessions or on your way to class. If hanging out for a while, be sure to have a face covering and physically distance while sipping your drink. Check out these 8 coffee spots.
More details at: https://studentaffairs.unl.edu/news/spots-grab-coffee-campus
Testing, reporting and contact tracing procedures are in place at the University. Chancellor Green issued a welcome message and urges caution as we proceed into the semester. Check at these briefs and more regularly updated campus news related to COVID-19.
More details at: https://news.unl.edu/newsrooms/today/article/covid-19-digest-university-outlines-factors-that-could-shift-semester/