RSO Spotlight: Q&A with Husker Motorsports

Husker Motorsports is dedicated to hands-on engineering experiences.
Husker Motorsports is dedicated to hands-on engineering experiences.

Husker Motorsports SAE is a unique RSO that improves members' engineering skills through the hands-on experience of designing and building a racing car each year. Here's what Project Manager Peyton Stanczyk, a senior Mechanical Engineering major, has to say about his experience being involved.

Q: How did you become involved in Husker Motorsports?
A: I went to the first meeting after hearing about the club at the Big Red Welcome RSO fair and was put on a project right away. I worked with the suspension subsystem and learned quickly how much engineering consideration goes into building a top-performing race car.

Q: How is the Husker Motorsports RSO structured?
A: The club typically meets with general members twice a week, and leaders meet 4 or more days per week. In a regular year, we design the car in the fall, build it in the winter, test it in the spring, and compete in the summer. Competitions are held in Michigan and California.

Q: Describe Husker Motorsports in three words.
A: Passion, pride, performance.

Q: What is your favorite part about being involved?
A: My favorite part of being a part of Husker Motorsports is having the tools to build anything I want in the pursuit of gaining national recognition for a project I helped work on.

Q: What purpose does Husker Motorsports aim to serve on campus?
A: We hope to give all members a place to use hard work and dedication to tune their engineering, management, and analytical skills. All members have the opportunity to design, manufacture, assemble, and test their own parts while integrating with the assemblies of other subsystems.

While the soonest competition will be held next summer, Husker Motorsports SAE is already designing their car for the 2021 season and is always open to new help. Follow Husker Motorsports on Instagram to keep up to date.