Note taking is one essential skill you'll have to carry into the rest of your life– the need for taking notes is not finished after college. Now's the time to learn how to take efficient and clear notes, in preparation not only for your classes but meetings and conferences in your future career.
First, you should also know that there are numerous ways to take notes. Check out this list of different methods and pick the one that works best for you. Not everyone thinks in the same way, so you don't need to take notes the same way either.
If you can, try to take your notes on paper. This has been shown to increase retention and mastery of material. With paper, you can utilize methods such as mind maps or free flow notes instead of being limited to a more strict digital format. Staying off the screen and focusing on your note taking in class will help you stay more alert and in tune with the material.
Even the best notes are useless if you don't review what you've written. Try to review your notes directly after class, to retain more information and lessen your studying load later on. This way, you can quickly see if there are any sections you don't understand, and contact your professor for help as soon as possible.
If you want to take notes that will properly reflect test material, highlight any points that are repeated. If your professor emphasizes any facts more than once, make special note of them because these topics are likely to be on an upcoming exam.