The UNL Racial Justice Alliance is a new student organization for undergraduate and graduate students committed to understanding, recognizing, and interrupting racism(s) within ourselves and all around us.
The purpose of the group is to create a space to talk, learn from one-another, and be a network of support. Undergraduate and graduate students are invited to join.
The RJA will have a monthly meeting, starting March 26, to discuss a topic about racial injustice. At each monthly meeting members will introduce the topic, offer historical context, get uncomfortable by thinking about how participants may have perpetuated or condoned problematic racial assumptions in their own lives, engage in real talk where members will unpack their experiences and the implications of the weekly topic, and finally work together to find tangible action steps to respond to this experience when encountering it in the future.
Students can join by filling out the application listed on the NvolveU page page. Applications are due March 25.
For more information, feel free to email ayunestovar2@huskers.unl.edu or megan.cardwell@huskers.unl.edu with any questions.
More details at: https://unl.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/racialjustice