5 p.m. Sunday, April 11 is the sign-up deadline for Huskers who wish to be vaccinated. When you go to the registry, be sure to choose “students-higher education” and then “University of Nebraska.” You should list your local address in the registry. Use the link to enter the portal + more details.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/bpzd
The COVID-19 vaccine has many benefits. If you're still on the fence about getting vaccinated when your time comes, check out some of the reasons why University Health Center Medical Director Heather Eberspacher, MD, recommends it, including how it builds herd immunity and keeps you and others safe. Continue reading…
More details at: https://health.unl.edu/covid-19-vaccines
Despite an increase in vaccinations, COVID cases are spiking again across the country. While following these rules can feel tiring, an end is in sight, and remaining vigilant will help us get back to normal.Huskers can do their part by following the three W’s and avoiding the the C's.
More details at: https://news.unl.edu/newsrooms/today/article/huskers-encouraged-to-stay-vigilant-against-covid-19/
If you're looking for things to do this week, there's no better spot to check than our curated list of every free(ish) event going on each Friday this spring. Grab a refreshing tea gift bag or go bowling with friends– there's no shortage of activities to try.
More details at: https://studentaffairs.unl.edu/news/fridays-spring-fantastic-freeish-events-students-enjoy
[ from the Daily Nebraskan ] The COVID-19 Academic Flexibility Request form will accommodate students who cannot return to in-person classes and assess factors like COVID-19 related travel restrictions and personal health concerns.
More details at: http://www.dailynebraskan.com/news/unl-plans-for-return-to-in-person-courses-with-flexibility-for-students/article_ef09a97e-98d1-11eb-bb1e-634c07bf10b1.html
A student-led competition held as part of the E.N. Thompson Forum on World Issues is helping expand sustainability planning on campus. Read about the ideas that the groups Engineers Without Borders, Student Organic Farm, BikeUNL, and AcClimate have proposed.
More details at: https://news.unl.edu/newsrooms/today/article/four-rsos-receive-en-thompson-sustainability-honors/
“What Were You Wearing,” an art exhibit that asks participants to understand that it is never about the clothing when sexual violence occurs, will be on display at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln from April 12-21. Continue reading…
The pre-order for the 4-person $15 meal kits from the Rec & Wellness Center's Wellness Kitchen closes 3 days prior to the April 19 and May 3 pickup days. Upcoming menu choices include: Oven Baked Chicken Sandwiches; Vegetable Paella; Summer Chicken Parmesan; Here's how to place an order. Continue reading…
More details at: http://wellness.unl.edu
Applications are now open for 2021 Homecoming Royalty. Any student who has a 3.0 cumulative GPA and 75 hours completed by the end of Spring 2021 is eligible to apply. There are three separate application tracks: Academics, Athletics, and Involvement.
More details at: https://go.unl.edu/royalty
Join us for a week of events focused on preventing violence and extremism around the globe and in our own communities. From April 12 to 16, 2021, partners from across our campus, community, and world will gather to try to understand why violence and extremism happen. Visit go.unl.edu/preventviolence Continue reading…
More details at: https://humanrights.unl.edu/violence-and-extremism-prevention-week-2021
More and more events are happening each week this semester, so you're sure to stay busy with the wide range of activities available from April 9 to 12. From theater shows to outdoor adventures, there's a bit of something for everyone.
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You’re invited to wear purple and get involved in supporting the Collegiate Recovery Community. The CRC will host a picnic on the Cather-Pound Greenspace at 6 p.m., where purple bandanas and free burritos will be available. Continue reading…
Ready to challenge yourself? Participate in the Indoor Sprint Triathlon where you will swim, bike and run your way to the finish line. You can experience healthy competition, build your skills and enjoy getting active on April 17.
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Participating in recreational activities is an effective way to relieve stress, and Recess provides students a space to rejuvenate their minds and bodies. Join us at the Nebraska Union by the fountains on April 14, 2021 from noon - 2 p.m. for Recess!
More details at: https://studentaffairs.unl.edu/news/if-you-liked-spring-breakout-recess-has-more-you-enjoy
If you already enjoy cooking, want to learn more skills or are just looking to try a new activity, check out these two upcoming cooking opportunities for UNL students.
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During the university's annual Ivy Day ceremonies on April 3, the Innocents Society welcomed its 13 newest while the Black Masque Chapter of Mortar Board tapped 26 new members. Here's the list of honored inductees. Continue reading…
More details at: https://news.unl.edu/newsrooms/today/article/innocents-society-mortar-board-members-inducted-for-2021-22/
With study abroad travel to be prohibited at least through June 30, the University of Nebraska–Lincoln is offering a series of summer classes at half the regular tuition rate to provide students global experiences without international travel.
More details at: https://news.unl.edu/newsrooms/today/article/new-summer-classes-provide-highly-affordable-global-experience/
Looking for a fun-filled specialty yoga class? Look no further than the upcoming Yoga Sculpt and Smoothies class from Campus Recreation, with healthy smoothies provided after the engaging yoga, cardio and strength training class.
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More details at: https://crec.unl.edu/fitness-programs
Order online by April 13 or wait to purchase in person at GradFest April 20-21 in the Nebraska Union.
The ASUN Environmental Sustainability Committee, in partnership with the ASUN Campus Life & Safety Committee, is looking for creative projects for the upcoming Earthstock Art Show taking place on April 30 at The Railyard.
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More details at: https://asun.unl.edu/earthstock
Super Diamond will perform at the Lied Center on April 17 at 4 p.m. & 7:30 p.m.
FREE student tickets are available through Arts for All via UNL Marketplace or the Lied Box Office. Continue reading…
More details at: http://liedcenter.org
The virtuosic Silkroad Ensemble will perform at the Lied Center on April 15 at 7:30pm. Continue reading…
More details at: http://liedcenter.org