9 ways to make the most of Volleyball Day in Nebraska

[Scott Bruhn | Nebraska Communications]
[Scott Bruhn | Nebraska Communications]

The first-ever NEBRASKA volleyball game in Memorial Stadium means it's also a rare occasion when students can tailgate on a weekday.
Here a few tips we want you to follow to enjoy a safe and memorable time - do your part to have a safe game day experience.

  1. Plan a Safe Ride: If you choose to drink, be sure to have a sober driver or pre-arrange a sober ride home in advance, like a taxi or rideshare.

  2. Stay Hydrated: Drink water alongside any other beverages to stay hydrated.

  3. Eat Some Food: Grab a bite to eat; you’ll be happier and it’ll help absorb alcohol if drinking.

  4. Know How Much You’re Drinking: Whether you’re pouring a drink at a tailgate or purchasing drinks in the stadium, beverages may be larger than a standard drink (e.g., 12 oz beer, 5 oz wine, 1.5 oz for a shot of hard alcohol). Be sure to keep track to avoid over intoxication.

  5. Keep Emergency Numbers Handy: Put emergency numbers in your phone just in case.

  6. Respect Others: Be courteous to fellow fans and respect their space.

  7. Report Issues: If you see trouble, tell security or event staff immediately at 402-472-2222.

  8. Look Out for Friends: Keep an eye on your friends, and don't be afraid to help if they need it.

  9. Cross Streets Safely: Use crosswalks and obey traffic signals when walking.
