Anyone with a recent photo taken in Nebraska can enter it to win a free iPad in a new Food, Fuel, Water photo contest.
Entrants can submit digital photo(s) representing food, fuel or water taken in the state of Nebraska to innovate.unl.edu/photocontest between Oct. 8 and Nov. 1.
The contest is part of an upcoming groundbreaking event celebrating the start of construction of the core facilities at Nebraska Innovation Campus, adjacent to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Three winners, one in each of the three categories, will be selected. Photos must have been taken within the last three years—not prior to Nov. 1, 2009. Contestants are limited to one entry per category.
The contest is being sponsored by the Nebraska Corn Board, Nebraska Soybean Board and the Nebraska Wheat Board.
Full contest rules will be online on Oct. 8 at: http://innovate.unl.edu/photocontest
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/dfv