Interested in building a house in the mountains? How about working with inner city youth? Or, possibly, learning about education issues on the Pine Ridge Reservation?
Student Involvement is looking for participants and leaders for four service-learning trips to Pine Ridge, Denver, Kansas City and Chicago. The trips will be during spring break, March 19-25. The deadline to apply is Feb. 18.
Faculty and staff are encouraged to apply to assist as student trip leaders.
In Kansas City, participants will work through Operation Breakthrough, a non-profit organization that helps children. A typical day will include playing with children, helping serve meals, and working on small projects.
The trip to Colorado will allow participants to work on a house for a low-income family in Longmont, Colo. The project is organized through Habitat for Humanity.
On the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, the UNL group will work with students at schools, helping with homework and other activities.
And, in Chicago, the service learning project is expected to focus on immigration issues. Complete details have yet to be determined.
For more information, go to http://go.unl.edu/k5p.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/nr4