The 2013 Spring UNL Research Fair will take place April 10-11 in the Nebraska Union. The fair showcases undergraduate and graduate student research and creative activity accomplishments at UNL.
This year’s Research Fair highlights interdisciplinary research work on campus.
The Office of Research and Economic Development, in collaboration with the Office of Graduate Studies, is sponsoring a Graduate Research Forum and a Graduate Poster Session from 1-3 p.m. April 10. The Graduate Poster Fair will follow, from 3-5 p.m.
Both the research forum and poster session presentations will be organized around three broad themes: Sustenance, Safety & Community; Scale, Measurement & Balance; and Energy, Transportation, & Technology.
The research forum consists of three interdisciplinary "scholar sessions" featuring selected rapid-fire presentations given by selected graduate students on topics related to the specific research themes. Up to 27 graduate students will be selected to share their research during the Research Forum.
Presentations will be video recorded and written feedback as well as a video of the presentation will be provided after the forum. Sessions will give students the opportunity to share research, connect with others with similar research interests and build presentation skills.
The Graduate Research Forum encourages exchanges between individuals, labs, and disciplines. In order to communicate research between these groups and beyond the university to the greater community and industry, the Graduate Research Forum provides opportunities for graduate students to speak about their work, receive feedback on their presentation skills, and connect with others’ research.
For more information on the Graduate Research Forum, visit http://researchfair.unl.edu/gradforum/
For more information on the Graduate Poster Session, go to http://researchfair.unl.edu/graduate/
The Undergraduate Research Fair kicks off the evening of April 10 with the undergraduate workshop, “Planning and Preparing for Graduate School.” The Undergraduate Research Conference and Poster Session will be April 11 from 3-5 p.m.
A full schedule of events and registration links are available on the Research Fair website, linked below.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/w7q